Texas Hold'em Bonus Poker


You up for a game of Hold'em?

Come play the most popular Poker game notched up with a Bonus!

As usual, all you need is to beat the dealer’s hand with any combination from your two-card hand and the five community cards. Yet, this time around you may wage on “Bonus Bet” to compare your final hand to ones posted on the bonus paytable. If you don’t win the base game, you can still have a chance with the bonus wager.

Marketing Tools
800W x 600H PNG


Platform: Download
Number of Decks: 1
Bet Payouts:
Hand Payout
Flop 1:1
Turn 1:1
River 1:1

Straight or Better




Bonus Bet Payouts:
Hand Payout
A-A 30:1
A-K 25:1
A-Q (Suited) 20:1
A-K (Unsuited) 15:1
K-K, Q-Q or J-J (High Pairs) 10:1
A-Q or A-J (Unsuited) 5:1
10:10 through 2:2 (Low Pairs) 3:1